American Civil Liberties Union: Central Texas Chap, Austin Committee in Solidarity with the People of , Austin Human Rights Campaign, Austin Living Wage Coalition, Gray Panthers of Austin, Light Rail Now, Liveable City, MEChA at the University of Tejaztlan at Austin, North Central I-35 Neighborhoods Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Committee
Green Party at the University of Texas at Austin, Libertarian Longhorns, North by Northwest Democrats of Austin, Northwest Austin Republican Women, Stonewall Democrats of Austin, University Democrats at the University of Texas at, University of Texas College Republicans, West Austin Democrats
Accion Zapatista
Provides information about the EZLN / Zapatista movement. Includes news, editorials, and links to other resources.
Austin Against War
Opposes war abroad and racist attacks and civil liberties violations at home. Includes events and resources for media, humanitarian crisis, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, activism, anti-racism, and corporate globalization.
Austin Police Department Hall of Shame
Describes specific cases of police brutality in Austin.
Coordinates actions in the area to improve and protect the community, including organizing against a proposed Wal-Mart store and a Lowe's store in the recharge and contributing zones of the Edwards Aquifer. Includes action alerts, articles, mailing list, and a list of coalition members.
Network of progressive citizens. Site includes political articles and endorsements.
Syndicated radio host Alex Jones. Conspiracy-tinted site containing strong opposition to socialism, communism, and the New World Order.
Jim Hightower
Progressive commentary and humor from the #1 populist based in Austin. Includes Jim's schedule, his monthly picks and pans, information about the upcoming Rolling Thunder Chautauqua Tour, and events calendar.
Keep the Land
Asks the city to maintain ownership and lease the Robert Mueller Airport property to make sure the redevelopment of the area will protect the quality of life and maximize revenue to the city. Includes FAQ, how you can help, and a list of endorsements.
League of Women Voters Austin Area
Includes voter guide, newsletter, information about voting and registering to vote, and calendar.
Meetup: Clark in 2004: Austin, TX
Wesley Clark campaign group meets at 7pm on the first Monday of every month. Includes signup information, proposed agenda items, member messages, and photos.
Progressive Activism in Austin
Includes immediate actions you can take, events and meetings, progressive organization listings, action alerts, places you can put up posters, and contact information for government officials and media.
Save Our Local Independents
Working against the tax breaks given by the city to chain businesses, which pushes local businesses out of their locations. Site includes recent stories about the issue, a list of what you can do to help save local businesses, and links to local businesses.
Trust the People: Austin
Mailing list for democracy activists in the area.
Turn Left: Liberal Friendly Places: Austin
Citizen comments about why Austin is liberal friendly.