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Amarillo Diagnostic Clinic
Physician profiles, insurance and payment information, and FAQ.
Amarillo Eye Care Center
Complete eye care, including glasses, care for eye diseases, and surgery.
Baptist St. Anthony's Health System
Major health care provider and employer in the Panhandle area.
Broome Optical
Sales of glasses and contacts in Amarillo, Texas.
Harrington Regional Medical Center, Inc. at Amaril
Twenty-seven facilities offering patient care, patient services, research and educational opportunities to residents of the Texas Panhandle and surrounding four-state region.
Northwest Texas Sports Medicine
With our staff of physical medicine specialists, orthopedic surgeons, athletic trainers, and physical therapists, the injured athlete can be examined and treated by his physician, receive specialized MRI service, arthroscopic surgery, and rehabilitation, all under one roof.
Pastoral Counseling Services-Richard Waguspack
Counseling services by a Catholic practitioner. Offers credentials, services, benefits available, prices and contact information.
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center at Am
Medical school and research center.