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Art B. Lara, Jr.
Practices civil litigation, commercial torts, insurance bad faith, family law, and personal injury, includes contact information.
Brown and Fortunato, P.C.
Founded in 1995. Offers a variety of services that include, estate planning, probate, real estate, litigation, health care, family, trademark and e-commerce and provides contact information.
Laura D. Hamilton
Practices family and criminal law, includes contact information.
Ronald E. Walker, Jr.
Specializes in family, consumer bankruptcy, and business bankruptcy law, includes contact information with directions.
Russel L. Robinson
Services include personal injury, commercial litigation, business law, medical malpractice, wills and probate, and family law, provides contact information.
Sanders Baker, P.C.
Services include business, creditors' rights & bankruptcy, estate planning, litigation, mediation, personal and family matters, real estate and construction, and school and local government law. Provides office and mailing addresses with contact information.
Stewart R. Werner
Representing individuals and businesses throughout the Texas Panhandle and South Plains area. Services include civil and trial practice, family law, personal injury, wills and probates, mediation and provides a short biography and contact information.