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Abilene, Texas Weather - WxUSA
Weather links for Abilene, Texas and the area surrounding it.Includes weather forecasts, weather radar, current weather, weather cams, kid's weather, local information, weather maps, news, sports and travel.
AccuWeather.com - Abilene, TX Weather Forecast
Offers current local conditions, 5-day, 10-day, 15-day and extended weather forecasts plus weather maps, doppler radar, and historical weather information.
CNN.com - Weather - Abilene, TX
5 day weather forecast for the community.
Intellicast Weather Radar - Abilene,Texas
Depicts where rain, snow, and mixed precipitation is falling as well as how hard it is falling.
KRBC Weather
From the local television station. Includes doppler radar, local forecast and conditions, and resources.
KTAB Forecast Center
From the local television station. Includes Doppler radar, current conditions, forecast, and links.
National Weather Service Report : Abilene
Local forecast, current conditions, and radar.
RSS Weather - Abilene
Local forecast, current conditions, and weather alerts.
The Weather Channel - Abilene, Texas
From the latest weather news stories to allergy information.
Theta Chapter - National Weather Association
Meeting dates and times. Newsletter. List of officers.
Weather Central: Abilene
Current conditions, forecasts, area weather maps, and satellite pictures.
Weather Underground: Abilene, Texas Forecast
Conditions, advisories and forecast.
KTXS-TV weather forecast and conditions. Live Doppler radar. Weather information and links.