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Emergency Services
Rural-Metro Ambulance of Abilene
Abilene Regional Medical Center, Hendrick Health System
Mental Health
180 House, Abilene State School, Betty Hardwick Center, Mental Health Association in Abilene, Texas
Abilene Bone and Joint Clinic
Orthopedic services to patients of all ages. Has practice description, information on doctors, sports medicine, fees and downloadable form for patient information.
Abilene Diagnostic Clinic Surgical Associates
Board certified in surgery, offering comprehensive surgical care. Includes doctor profiles and information on common procedures.
Abilene Eye Institute
Specializes in cataract and refractive eye surgery using the latest procedures and techniques, including the excimer laser - LASIK. Has LASIK questions and answers.
Abilene-Taylor County Health District
Includes calendar of events, WIC program, contact information and medical information.
Advancing Babies Chances
Early childhood intervention program for children at risk for having developmental delays due to health or other causes. Site describes hours, eligibility, and services.
Big County Services for The Deaf and Hard of Heari
Includes services, contact information, and history.
ENT Specialists of Abilene
Explanation of what Otolaryngology is, the physicians, patient services, appointment information and contact details
Facial Plastic and Cosmetic Surgical Center
Includes biographies, news, and information for patients considering cosmetic surgery.
Family Vision Associates
Optometry practice. Has contact information, tour of facilities, doctors and staff, and services and products. Order contact lenses online.
Gastroenterology Associates
Board certified stomach and colon specialists with an out-patient endoscopic center.
Guy C. Rosser, DDS
Features dental services, map, and hours.
Hendrick Hospice Care
Features services, programs, volunteer opportunities, and contact information.
Individual Care of Texas
Residential care and assisted living in Quinlan and Abilene, TX. Site includes photos of each location, services and activities, and contact information.
Jim Bill Morrow, D.D.S., M.S.
Dentistry and orthodontics. Includes location, staff, and services.
Lone Star Hearing Services
Digital hearing technology. Includes services, products, and contact information.
Midwest Texas Healthcare Linen Service
Contact information.
Orthopedic Associates of Abilene
Specializing in the treatment of sports injuries, fractures, joint replacement, arthritis, and other joint disorders. Includes staff and history.
Richard L. Gore, DDS
Dentist in Abilene. Includes contact information and scheduling.
Texas Midwest Eye Center
List and description of procedures available, including LASIK. Doctor profiles.
West Texas Rehabilitation Center
Locations in Abilene and San Angelo. Includes contact information, treatment services, history, employment, fund raising and the annual telethon's catalog. Bid on telethon items online.