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Colleges and Universities
Abilene Intercollegiate School of Nursing
Elementary, High, Middle, Abilene Christian Schools, Abilene Independent School District, Region 14 Education Service Center, St. John's Episcopal School, Wylie Independent School District, Wylie Intermediate School
American Commercial College Abilene
Features contact information, history, and facilities.
ASW Enterprises
Practice materials, including computer programs, cassettes, printed tests, and study guides, for spelling tests in Texas UIL contests.
Big Country Home Educators
Information on this local Christian support group. Includes information on their resource center, library, membership requirements, state law, and curricula recommendations.
School of Radiography - Hendrick Health System
Graduates of the program will be able to obtain American Registry of Radiologic Technologists Registration (ARRT). Two year program. Includes contact information, costs and application requirements.