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Abilene Christian University Library, Abilene Library Consortium Catalog, Abilene Public Library, Hardin Simmons University Libraries, Jay-Rollins Library McMurry University
12th Armored Division Memorial Museum, National Center for Children's Illustrated Li, The Center for Contemporary Arts, The Grace Museum
ABC-DJ'S & e.g. Productions, ACU Sing Song, Baggett, Brian, Big State Jamboree, Blaqman Records, Greenroom Studios, III V C, Jacobs, Clay, McMurry University Department of Music, Prairie Fire Band
Abilene Ballet Theatre, ACU Department of Theatre, McMurry University Theatre
Abilene Writers Guild
Features programs, news, and membership information.
Barbara J.T. Wilson
Artist in watercolor, clay, jewelry, and sculpture. Photo example of work.
Bill Wright
Documentary photographer. Examples from his several books. Ordering information on the books.
Linda Murray
Artist in acrylic and graphite. Photo examples of work.
Martin Pothier
Fine art photographer specializing in nature, wildlife, landscape, nostalgia, scenics, and still life.
Paramount Theatre
Located in downtown Abilene. Listed in the National Registry of Historic Places.
Patricia Fooshe
Artist in acrylic on canvas,and watercolors. Thumbnail photos of work.
Paul Marlin Phototgrapher
Wedding, portrait, and event photographer. Includes gallery, contact information, and news.
Sharon Rathburn
Artist in oil on canvas, and weavings (functional and non-functional). Photo examples of work.
Steve Butman
Photographer. Thumbnail photos of work.
The Grady McWhiney Foundation
Non profit history research foundation geared towards making history accessible to the public through different media, such as books, souvenirs, and the internet.
Timothy O. Sutherland
Photographer whose subjects include doors and windows of Mexico.
Tom Miller Photography
Wedding and other photography for the area. Features gallery, price list, and contact information.
Town and Country Drive In
Drive in theatre. Features schedule, location, and prices.
Turning Pointe Academy of Performing Arts
Christian arts learning center offering ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, liturgical, and drama. Includes tuition, online registration, and class information.
West Texas Book and Author Festival
Includes events, workshops, author and publishers participating, and calendar. Annual event.
Online gallery of photography and digital art by photographer Barry R. Byrd.
White's Photography
Specializes in wedding photography and portrait photography. Copy and restore old photos. List of services, with prices. Contact information.