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Capital Area Progressive Democrats
Calendar of events, endorsements, and membership information.
Hohengarten, Nancy for Travis County Judge
Democratic Party candidate for Judge in Travis County Court 5. Includes a list of qualifications and experience, testimonials, and information about the court.
Travis County Democratic Party
Includes news, calendar, forum, how to get involved, GOP watch, quotations, and precinct information.
Travis County Green Party
Includes calendar, candidate responses, mailing list, and contact information for officers.
Travis County Libertarian Party
Includes calendar, media sightings, news, mailing lists, volunteer opportunities, contact information for officers, member survey, history, and by-laws.
Travis County Republican Party
Includes calendar, list of clubs and committees, announcements, list of officials and precinct chairpersons, and volunteer opportunities.
Yelenosky, Stephen for District Court Judge
Democratic Party candidate for Judge in the 345th District Court. Includes biography, how to get involved, photos, and testimonials from supporters.