Appalachian Radiation Oncology
Offers cancer treatments in Johnson City and Kingsport. Physician and staff profiles, and other information about the practice, radiation therapy, and the services offered.
Holston Medical Group
Multi-speciality practice of more than 70 physicians, specialists and other mid-level providers, with offices in Kingsport, Bristol, and Rogersville, TN, and Duffield and Weber City in Scott County, VA. Includes locations, hours, physician lists, and other information.
Mountain States Health Alliance
Alliance of several Tri-Cities area hospitals, with Johnson City Medical Center as the flagship.
Tri-Cities Orthodontics Specialists
Dr. Leighton Wood offers services to patients at locations in Kingsport, Johnson City, and Bristol.
Wings Air Rescue
Advanced life support helicopter transport service covering a 125-mile radius from Johnson City. Includes list of hospitals served.