Actors Bridge Ensemble
A professional non-profit theatre company dedicated to bringing provocative theatre to Nashville.
BroadAxe Theatre
Information about past and future productions, featuring issues-oriented plays and the work of Steve Earle.
Chaffin's Barn Dinner Theatre
Schedule of upcoming performances and other information for Nashville's professional dinner theatre.
Darkhorse Theater
Nashville's alternative theatre presents its schedule of upcoming performances.
Miss Marple's Dinner Theatre
Entertains diners with hilarious murder mysteries. Online reservations, show schedule, map, and driving directions.
Mockingbird Theatre
Professional nonprofit theatre company emphasising productions that reflect Southern culture and the classics. Provides show schedule, ticket information, biographies, recent productions, and image galleries.
Nashville Actors Net
Audition announcements, agents, and other information useful to actors in Nashville, Tennessee.
Nashville Children's Theatre
Founded in 1931, NCT is the nation's oldest continuing children theatre and the oldest professional theatre in Nashville. Award-winning productions; schedule of plays and special activities for children.
Nashville Magicians Club
Talent directory, schedule of meetings, membership requirements, upcoming lectures and special events such as the Nashville Festival of Magic.
Nashville Shakespeare Festival
Metro Parks and Recreation and the Nashville Shakespeare Festival present All's Well That Ends Well (Aug. 10 -Sept 17) in Centennial Park.
Tennessee Players
Nashville theatre company specializing in original productions. Schedule of performances.
Tennessee Repertory Theatre
Professional repertory company in Nashville. Schedule of theatrical productions, along with classes and workshops.