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Aid to Distressed Families of Appalachian Counties
Independent non-profit agency serving the charitable needs of Anderson County and surrounding rural Appalachian areas. Information about programs, including housing rehabilitation, transportation assistance, and other social services.
Appalachian Chapter of the American Red Cross
Provides disaster services, safety training, and other programs in Anderson County and Oak Ridge. Lists class schedules, volunteer opportunities, and other information.
Habitat for Humanity of Anderson County, Tennessee
Working to try to give every family a decent home. 2200 families in Anderson County are at or below the poverty level, and there is a large amount of substandard housing in the county.
Remove Intoxicated Drivers, Oak Ridge/Anderson Cou
Local unit of national organization opposed to drinking and driving. History, newsletter, educational materials, and information about activities, including support for victims and monitoring of courts and law enforcement.
United Way of Anderson County
Volunteer organization providing funds to agencies and organizations that provide health and human services in the community. Information about local fundraising campaigns, funded agencies, and related topics.