Bee Cove Falls
Find photos and hiking directions for this waterfall located near Mountain Rest.
Big Bend Falls
Find hiking directions and photos of the largest fall on the Chattooga River.
Blue Hole Falls
Find a map, photos and hiking directions for this waterfall on Cedar Creek.
Brasstown Falls
Waterfall on the southern edge of Sumter National Forest; includes hiking directions, a photo and a map.
Chauga Narrows
A small waterfall on the Chauga river near Walhalla. Hiking directions.
Issaqueena Falls
Find photos, directions and hiking information for this waterfall near the Stumphouse Tunnel.
King Creek Falls
Waterfall on the Chattooga Trail; find hiking directions and photos.
Lee Falls
Includes photos, map, and hiking directions for this 75-foot high waterfall.
Miuka Falls
Waterfall located near the Cherry Hill Recreation Area. Hiking directions and a photo.
Opossum Falls
Large two tier fall on the Chattooga River; find a photo and hiking directions.
Rileymoore Falls
Small fall on the Chauga river; offers hiking directions, map, and a picture.
Spoonauger Falls
Small fall just off the Chattooga river in the Sumter National Forest. Find hiking directions and a photo.
Station Cove Falls
Small fall at Oconee Station state park, near Walhalla; find hiking directions, map, and a photo.
Yellow Branch Falls
Waterfall located near Walhalla; find a map, photo, and hiking directions.