Pacific Council On International Policy
A leadership forum bringing together "live wires" from around the Pacific Rim to exchange information and analysis on major international trends and policy choices. Based in Los Angeles, CA.
Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy
San Francisco-based public policy organization advocating for personal responsibility and individual liberty in national and state issues. Site offers extensive archive of papers and presentations from PRI research centers, as well as event information, publications link, and voter education resources.
Palmer R. Chitester Fund
The goal of the fund is to create entertaining media programs and material of an intellectual nature on a range of subjects, and illuminating the prerequisites of a free society. It places some emphasis on projects that examine the role of government and explain the interrelationship of economic, personal and political freedom.
Palmetto Institute
A public policy organization dedicated to creating a business, political and educational environment that increases the personal wealth of every citizen of South Carolina as measured by per capita income.
Pioneer Institute
A Boston-based public policy research institute advocating individual freedom and responsibility, limited and accountable government, and expanded application of free-market principles.
Political Research Associates
Monitors and analyzes the organizations, leaders, ideas, and activities of the US political Right.
Priorities Institute
Explores regional land use planning, sustainable, carfree city design, 21st century constitutions, and holistic indexing.
Progressive Policy Institute
A public policy institute shaping the Third Way agenda with progressive legislative solutions.
Project for the New American Century
An educational organization supporting American global military, diplomatic, and moral leadership.
Public Interest Institute
Located on the campus of Iowa Wesleyan College in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, the institute promotes the importance of a free-enterprise economic system and limited government in society based upon individual freedom and liberty.
Public Policy Forum
A Milwaukee, Wisconsin based public policy research organization examining issues that impact the community, state and nation.
Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC)
A public policy organization dedicated to research on California's economic, social, and political issues.