Faith & Reason Institute
The institute aims at bringing both faith and reason to bear on all the issues that confront people. It addresses questions of economics, politics, public policy, science, technology, the environment, and public culture, from perspective of both faith and reason.
Family First
Nebraska's pro-family public policy think tank, associated with Focus on the Family. Family First provides timely research on issues of interest to Nebraska families.
Financial Markets Center
An institute that provides research and education resources to grassroots groups, unions, policymakers and journalists interested in the Federal Reserve System and financial markets
Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)
Offers online education, a bookstore, and links to its seminars and publishes Ideas on Liberty, a magazine on free markets and individual liberty.
Free Congress Foundation
A Washington, D.C. conservative research institute and policy education organization with policy centers on technology, law and democracy, cultural conservatism, and governance.
Frontiers of Freedom
Founded in 1995 by Malcolm Wallop, Frontiers seeks to lead the conservative movement against an ever more powerful and intrusive federal government, and to restore and maintain individual rights.