english deutsch
California Institute of Public Affairs
Research, convening and public information on California issues and international environmental affairs. Founded in 1969 and affiliated with Claremont Graduate University.
Calvert Institute for Policy Research
An educational institution dedicated to the research and propagation of solutions to Maryland state and local public-policy concerns based upon the principles of free markets and personal responsibility.
Carey Center for Democratic Capitalism
Works to educate students, citizens, and leaders in the fundamentals upon which the American republic was constructed - democracy and capitalism.
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affai
A policy organization dedicated to research and education at the nexus of ethics and international affairs. Provides speech transcripts, articles, reviews and other materials on a variety of subjects.
Carter Center
A policy organization founded by Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter to fight disease, hunger, poverty, conflict, and oppression around the world.
Cascade Policy Institute
Oregon based free market think tank.
Cato Institute
Promoting public policy based on individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peaceful international relations. Thousands of studies and articles available online as well as streaming audio and video of institute events. Site updated daily.
Center for American Progress
Liberal think tank offers policy proposals, talking points, events, news and columns. Weekly email newsletter Progress Report.
Center for Defense Information
An institute monitoring the military. CDI provides analysis in the form of research papers, educational videos, and free e-mail and print newsletters.
Center for Economic and Policy Research
A research center that seeks to promote democratic debate on important economic and social issues.
Center for Entrepreneurship
Resources from the Pacific Research Institute presenting the case that entrepreneurial spirit, economic growth, and economic opportunity are stifled by onerous taxes, regulations, and health care policies.
Center for Law and Social Policy
CLASP is a policy organization with expertise in both law and policy affecting the poor. It seeks to improve the economic security of low-income families with children and secure access for low-income persons.
Center for National Policy
CNP undertakes research and analysis to frame options and to formulate policy recommendations, focusing activities in economic analysis, equal opportunity, community studies and foreign policy.
Center for Policy Alternatives - StateAction.org
A progressive public policy and leadership development center serving state legislators, state policy organizations, and state grassroots leaders.
Center for Public Justice
A Christian civic education and public policy research organization.
Center for Public Leadership
The Center for Public Leadership (John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University) seeks to improve the practice of leadership and citizenship, through research, education and outreach. The Center aims to strengthen the positive effect of those engaged in improving the quality of public life.
Center for Public Policy Priorities
A research organization committed to improving public policies and private practices that influence the economic and social prospects and conditions of individuals, families, and communities.
Center for Retirement Research
Organization dedicated to the research and dissemination of retirement policy issues as well as to widening access to related data sources.
Center for Security Policy
A policy organization promoting international peace through American strength.
Center For Strategic & International Studies
A public policy research institution dedicated to analysis and policy impact. It maintains resident experts on all the world's major geographical regions and covers key functional areas, such as international finance, U.S. domestic and economic policy, and U.S. foreign policy and national security issues.
Center for the Advancement of Capitalism
Public policy institute dedicated to advancing individual rights and economic freedom throughout America. Website features the Center's philosophical defense of business and profit-making, and opportunities for activism.
Center for the Study of Democratic Societies
CSDS is a research and educational institution dedicated to the examination and explanation of the properties and possibilities of democratic societies and democratic-socialist economic systems.
Center for the Study of Islam & Democracy (CSI
A think tank dedicated to studying the relationship between Islam and democracy.
Center for the Study of Popular Culture
Los Angeles-based center founded by David Horowitz, focusing on political correctness and other cultural issues through publications and legal defense.
Center for the Study of Technology and Society
A research and educational organization which considers the social effects of technological change.
Center of the American Experiment
A conservative think tank in Minnesota, focusing in improving education, strengthening free market economy and reducing poverty and crime.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
A public policy advocacy organization specializing in federal budget issues from a low-income perspective.
Central Massachusetts Liberty Coalition
Central Massachusetts based pro-liberty political education organization.
Policy think tank for centrist and moderate policymakers. Main topics include health care, medicare, wealth-building, pensions and social security, federal budget and taxes, entitlement reform, and economic growth.
Century Foundation
A research foundation that undertakes timely and critical analyses of major economic, political, and social institutions and issues
Citizens Research Council of Michigan
A public affairs research organization established in 1916 to provide analysis of state and local government organization and finance in Michigan.
Civil Society Institute
The institute seeks to serve as catalysts for change, especially in five areas of critical need: kids and learning, health care reform, science policy and regenerative medicine, climate change and global security and economic change.
Civil Society Institute
A classical liberal / libertarian institute within Santa Clara University, dedicated to educating students in the classic themes of political economy and their relevance to contemporary policy issues.
Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute
Established to prepare young women for effective conservative leadership and to promote school choice opportunities for all K-12 children in America. Information about speakers, anti-feminist resources, and current issues available.
Claremont Institute
Projects, recent writings, event and publication information, and news releases from the Californian think tank.
Committee for Economic Development
CED is an organization of business and education leaders dedicated to public policy research.
Commonweal Institute
A multi-issue think tank committed to advancing moderate and progressive principles.
Commonwealth Foundation
A free-market public policy organization based in Pennsylvania which promotes the principles of limited government, economic freedom, and individual responsibility.
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Publications on the institute's research in free-enterprise, as well as internships.
Council for Emerging National Security Affairs
Seeks to become the premier venue for virtual collaboration in addressing emerging national security affairs and policy renewal.
Council on Foreign Relations
A research center dedicated to understanding the world by better comprehending global trends and contributing ideas to U.S. foreign policy. Publisher of the journal Foreign Affairs.
Council on Hemispheric Affairs
Encourages the formulation of rational and constructive U.S. policies towards Latin America.