Debs-Jones-Douglass Institute (DJDI)
A non-profit educational and cultural arm of the Labor Party. Offers meetings, lectures, discussion groups, conferences and summer schools; promotes research in national and international political, economic and social problems; and publishes books.
Facing Death, Founder Fights for Labor Party'
New York Times article about the party and the announcement that party founder Tony Mazzocchi has pancreatic cancer.
Labor Party
A new party attempting to break trade unions from the Democratic Party. Has won affiliation of several unions and locals. Membership is around 10,000. The LP has a democratic socialist orientation.
Labor Party: Class Politics for the 21st Century
An article advocating the Labor Party as a political vehicle for workers.
UE News: Labor Party Considers Electoral Strategy
An article on the possibility that the US Labor Party will run candidates in the future.
Why the Labor Party is important
A series of articles on the US Labor Party and its importance.