Amber Waves of Green: Calling Young Greens
List of youth and student Green Party activity.
Campus Greens
A student based organization acting in solidarity with the 10 Key Values of the Green Movement, with members from all levels of education and all parts of the campus community.
Global Young Greens
Youth activist contact list for Green Party organizing activities.
Global Young Greens Conference 2001
The first gathering of young Green campaigners and activists from around the world.
Yahoo! Groups: greenyouthunited
Discuss politics and life from a Green perspective. Intended for students aged 14-30, but all are welcome.
Yahoo! Groups: gygnetwork
Facilitates Global Young Greens administration.
Young Greens registers voters - The Arizona Daily
Young Greens, a new political organization formed on the UA campus last week is hoping to attract more "Green" voters in time for this year's election.
Youngest Greens Elected
List of the youngest Greens to be elected to office.