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Fraternal Order of Police: Danny Faulkner
Biography of the slain officer, list of organizations and individuals known to support Jamal, and archive of FOP press releases.
Justice for Daniel Faulkner: Mumia Trial Transcrip
Court records of the 1982 trial, in both PDF and HTML format, and flyers protesting the delays of the execution.
Justice For Police Officer Daniel Faulkner
Provides rebuttals to information presented by those protesting Mumia Abu-Jamal's trial and sentencing, articles and analyses supporting the 1982 findings, and a map (not to scale) of the crime scene.
Left Watch - Mumia Abu Jamal
Archive of articles supportive of Mumia's trial and conviction, by conservative opponents of the death penalty. Includes links to offsite articles with complementary views.
Mumia Must Die
News story and photos of the dedication of the Police Officer Daniel Faulkner Memorial Highway.
Nada Mucho: Daniel Faulkner
Editorial column observing that those supporting Mumia could protest rigged trials more effectively by uniting behind a more obviously innocent prisoner.
Officer.com: Ben and Jerry's Boycott
Calls for a boycott of the ice cream company, which supports those who are using the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal to protest the death penalty.