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Azikiwe Kambule
United States of America: Children and the Death
Leonard Peltier
Action..Not Reaction - Free Leonard Peltier, Executive Clemency for Leonard Peltier, FBI Lies About Peltier, Free Leonard Peltier Infoshop, Leonard Peltier online petition, Leonard Peltier: Shackled Eagle, No Parole Peltier Association, Outside Online: The Martyrdom of Leonard Peltier, The Case of Leonard Peltier, The People's Path : Leonard Peltier & AIM
Mumia Abu-Jamal
Mumia's Writing and Commentary, Opposing Views, 13th and Locust, BBC News: Abu-Jamal's Death Sentence Overturn, Beverly Confession Rejected, Black like who?, Chicago Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Free Mumia Now! 2000, International Concerned Family & Friends of Mu, Mumia 2000.org
Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants, Frontline Primer, Native American Spiritual Freedom in Prison, PrisonZone, Red Onion State Prison, The Fortune Society, The Prison Law Page, Virginia's First Supermaximum Security Prison
Youth Rights
Death Penalty, Education, Amnesty International Children's Action, Blaze Law, Children's Rights - Legal Information Network, Curfew.Org : Fighting Youth Curfews, Free Youth Internet
American Civil Liberties Union
Litigates, lobbies, and educates the public regarding on a broad array of issues affecting individual freedom in the United States.
Children In The Custody of The INS
Argues that the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) has a conflict of interest when it acts as both jailer and caretaker of children.
Resource for current news, events, reports and organizations. Also includes information on hate crimes and affirmative action.
Clarence Aaron
This 23-year-old college student received three life sentences in a drug conspiracy trial based on the testimony of informants and no other evidence.
Death Penalty Focus
Non-profit organization dedicated to the abolition of capital punishment through grassroots organizing, research, and the dissemination of information. Features articles, opportunities for action, membership information and events.
Human Rights Watch: United States
Reports and articles pertaining to rights of Americans. Features include surveys, archives, developments, and an email newsletter
Know Your Civil Rights
Fact Sheet - Know Your Civil Rights from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Locked Away
Increasing numbers of immigrants are being incarcerated as the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) attempts to fulfill the provisions of the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and immigrant Responsibility Act.
Network USA
A list of sites dedicated to liberty, rights, and freedom issues. Includes the "Fight the Fingerprint", against identifying technologies.
Nowhere to Hide
Retaliation against women prisoners who protest sexual abuse includes a range of further abuse including rape.
Oromo American Citizens Council
An information center for Oromos to promote racial and economic justice and also to influence American public and foreign policy towards East Africa, especially Ethiopia.
Papers Please
Dudley Hiibel was jailed and fined for not showing ID to a police officer; he is appealing his conviction. Details, video, and transcript of the incident, court documents, amicus curiae briefs, and US Supreme Court docket.
Police Brutality in the U.S.
Although variable throughout the U.S., reported human rights violations knows no bounds as far as urban / rural, rich / poor areas. Human Rights Org's details on major U.S. cities.
Save the Montagnard People, Inc. (STMP)
Organization helping Montagnards of Vietnam's Central Highlands fight religious and political persecution and settle refugees.
The Constitutional Defense web page
Resources on constitutional rights.
United States Local Transgender Organizations
Information about state and local organizations and resources for the transgender community.
United States: Punishment and Prejudice: Racial Di
The U.S. war on drugs has been waged overwhelmingly against black Americans, Human Rights Watch charges in this report which includes the first state-by-state analysis of the role of race and drugs in prison admissions.
When One Conviction May Mean Losing The Right To V
Losing the Vote, produced in collaboration between Human Rights Watch and The Sentencing Project, presents the first fifty-state survey of the effect of laws taking away the right to vote from people convicted of a felony.
Women's Institute for Leadership Development
Provides human rights education, engages in public advocacy, and collaborates on the adoption and implementation of international human rights standards in the United States.