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America's Line - 2004 Presidential Odds
Daily syndicated odds column handicaps the candidates.
View country-by-country results of its non-scientific online world wide poll on the 2004 US presidential election.
CNN - The Poll Tracker
Presidential election polls organized by month and year.
Electoral Expectations for 2004
John and Larissa Letaw present state polling data to predict the electoral college results for Kerry and Bush.
Electoral Vote Predictor 2004
Track the electoral vote with a red/blue map of the US, updated daily using the latest state polls.
Electoral Vote Predictor 2004
Track the electoral vote with a red/blue map of the US, updated daily using the latest state polls.
Gallup - Election 2004
Presents the numbers behind the elections including polls on election issues, candidate images and perceptions, election context and background, trial heats and demographics. Includes candidate profiles, how to get involved and FAQs and election history.
Iowa Electronic Markets - 2004 US Presidential Vot
Real-money futures market where contract payoffs will be determined by the popular vote cast in the election. Includes daily prices graph.
NCPP - 20 Questions A Journalist Should Ask About
How to determine if poll results are honest and useful. From the National Council on Public Polls.
NYTimes.com 2004 Election Guide
Interactive map with analysis and historical data.
Pew Research Center - Politics
Polls and surveys on presidential campaign candidates and issues.
Polling Report.com - Election 2004: White House
Ongoing collection of poll results about the candidates and issues from recognized, professional sources.
PollingReport.com - White House 2004: General Elec
Collection of public opinion polls from various survey companies and research groups.
Presidential Vote Equation
Provides Ray C. Fair's updated equation to predict the 2004 election results. Includes a link to a non-technical discussion of its basis.
Rasmussen Reports - Election 2004
Includes national tracking poll and individual state polls.
The World Votes
Offers people around the world the opportunity to declare their choice in the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election.
Wall Street Journal - Battleground States Poll
Map and chart of each of the Zogby twice-monthly polls covering the presidential election swing states.
Wharton School - Political Forecasting SIG
Resource for scholars and practitioners interested in forecasting the presidential election. Includes the results of public opinion surveys, forecasts made by presidential election models, commentaries and bibliographies.
Zogby International - News
Polling company reports results about the presidential candidates and campaign issues.