BBC News: Breakfast with Frost: General Wesley Cla, CNN: Gen. Wesley Clark: Iraq war based on 'mi, PBS Newshour: Wesley Clark, RollingStone: Is Wesley Clark the One?
Speeches and Statements
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affai, Clark for President - Speeches, Seton Hall University: General Wesley K. Clark Co, Telegraph: High command is no place for those who , The Observer: Decisive force, The Washington Monthly: An Army of One?
ABC News - Wesley Clark on the Campaign Trail
Deborah Apton reports from the campaign trail with retired Gen. Wesley Clark as he runs for president.
Christian Science Monitor: Can Wesley Clark be the
Linda Feldmann talks to John Hlinko and Josh Margulies of the Draft Wesley Clark group about General Clark's possible candidacy.
CNN: Clark still mulling White House bid
Retired Gen. Wesley Clark ended the suspense about one aspect of his political future on Judy Woodruff's Inside Politics show, but he left in place the big question he himself has raised about a run for the White House.
Esquire: The General
Tom Junod's extensive profile of General Wesley Clark includes his background, views on national issues, and possible candidacy for President.
Independent: Former Nato commander set to join fig
Rupert Cornwell explains Wesley Clark's advantages and disadvantages in a campaign for President, and what others say about whether he's likely to run.
Journal Gazette: Democrats await Clark's deci
Bill Straub analyzes the potential impact of a presidential campaign by General Wesley Clark.
Sunday Telegraph: A cheer as Gen Clark prepares fo
Julian Coman reports on the first New Hampshire public meeting of Wesley Clark's presidential campaign.
Tallahassee Democrat: GOP should fear Wesley Clark
As Hlinko said: "Like any good general, he will only go into battle when he has the necessary ground troops. We feel that if we show him it's a battle he can win, he won't dodge the draft."
The Atlantic: Force Multiplier
Joshua Green profiles General Clark and speculates on his chances as a Presidential candidate.
The Ideal Candidate
Writing in The Atlantic, Jack Beatty says that Wesley Clark has all the necessary attributes of the perfect candidate to beat George Bush.
The New York Review of Books: Waiting for the Gene
Elizabeth Drew writes a thoughtful analysis about the Wesley Clark campaign and examines questions which have been raised about the candidate, his advisors and campaign staff.
The Sunday Telegraph: Democrats line up Gen Wesley
Julian Coman in Washington. British newspaper explains why senior Democrats have decided Clark is the best, and possibly only, way to beat George W Bush in the 2004 presidential elections.
U.S. Newswire - General Wesley Clark: 'I am p
General Wesley Clark announces his party affiliation as a Democrat.
Washington Post: Wesley K. Clark
Ongoing coverage of Clark's Presidential campaign. Includes news and commentary plus profile, photos and quotes.