Bush, George W. and Dick Cheney
Governor George W. Bush for President in 2000, New York Times: The 2000 Campaign - The Republican, Open Secrets: 2000 Presidential Race - George W. B, Washington Post: Bush: The Making of a Candidate
Gore, Al and Joseph Lieberman
Opposition, Advocate Weekly: Ongoing Coverage of U.S. Sen. Joe, Al Gore - America's Man, AlGoreWon.org, Infoplease.com - Joseph Lieberman, Intentional Election Disruption, U.S. News: Al Gore, Veterans For Al Gore 2000, Washington Post: The Life of Al Gore
Nader, Ralph and Winona LaDuke
Democrats for Nader, Listen San Francisco - Ralph Nader, Washington Post: On Politics - Nader
Other Candidates
Bradley, Bill, Dole, Elizabeth, Forbes, Steve, Keyes, Alan, McCain, John, Ad Hoc Conspiracy to Draft L. Neil Smith for Presi, Bobby Gawthrop, Burton Ridgeway's Briefs, Chimento, Carmen, Presidency 2000: John S. Hagelin and A. Nathaniel , Reed, Larry K. for Vice President, Vincent Hamm Campaign 2000, Vote Jello in 2000
Wikipedia - U.S. Presidential Election, 2000
Encyclopedia entry covers the primaries through the recount and studies. Includes hyperlinks to related information.