1896: The Homestead and Pullman Strikes
A summary of labor issues in the public eye in 1896, including the Homestead strike of 1892 and the Pullman Railroad strike of 1894.
1934 Minneapolis Truckers Strike
Commemoration and celebration on the 70th anniversary of the Teamsters strike.
American History Sweatshop Exhibition
A pictorial tour of sweatshops from 1820 to the present. From the National Museum of American History Smithsonian Institution.
American Labor History
Presentation of an online study guide, searchable by topic or by period.
An Eclectic List of Events in U.S. Labor History
Chronology of labor struggles in the U.S. starting with the Philadelphia Journeymen Cordwainers conviction in 1806, and subsequent battles with the government, through 1989.
The 1869 calamity of the Avondale shaft, furnishes another case where the whole population of the mine perished for want of means of escape, in time of accident, to the only opening of the mine.
Belleville Labor And Industry History Museum
Museum in Belleville, IL, that preserves history of industrial movement in post-Civil War to Great Depression Era.
Bread and Roses: Poetry and History of the America
Poems celebrating workers struggles and books and articles about the history of the American labor movement from the early 1800s to the 1920s.
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) Unionis
Excerpts from an oral history describing the struggles of the CIO in the 1930s.
History of AFL-CIO Leadership
History of recent leadership, includes links on union policy and recent news regarding the AFL-CIO.
Home and Dry Gazette
A detailed, illustrated history of the Seattle Empire Laundry by Cynthia Rose, including union struggles.
Pullman Strike
Details the causes, events, and long-term consequences of the 1894 strike of railroad workers against the Pullman Car Company.
Samuel Gompers Papers
Project to make primary sources in American labor history available to students and researchers. Includes extensive biographical information about Gompers, plus information, photos, and images of primary documents related to other leaders and historical events.
The Chicago Stock Yards on the Eve of the CIO (193
A description of the working conditions prior to unionization.
The General Strike Project
Accounts, photos, and resources relating to the 1919 Seattle General Strike.
The Harry Bridges Project
Commemorating the centenary of the birth of the San Francisco trade unionist who led the 1933 General Strike in that city.
The Labor Press Project
Examines the past and present of labor media in the Pacific Northwest, with reports on socialist, IWW, and union newspapers. Includes photos and bibliographic information.
The Merger of the AFL and CIO
The constitution of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations created after the merger.
The Trial of Bill Haywood
Dedicated to the explication of the trial of U.S. labor leader Bill Haywood in Idaho in 1907.
Trade Union Woman
History and analysis of women's involvement in labor unions, by Alice Henry of the Women's Trade Union League, 1915
United States Labor and Industrial History Audio A
Includes oral histories, important historical speeches and proceedings from a conference titled "The Fight for America's Future: A Teach-In with the Labor Movement," held October 3-4, 1996 at Columbia University, NYC. Archives complied by Department of History University at Albany, State University of New York.
Working Class Movement Library
A collection of materials concerned with the activities, expression and enquiries of the labor movement, its allies and its enemies, since the late eighteenth century.