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12 Meter Charters
Chartering America's Cup 12 Meter Sailboats. Rates, boat descriptions and history.
America's Cup Charters
Charter an America's Cup winning yacht.
Ida Lewis Yacht Club
The clubhouse is located at the Lime Rock Lighthouse in Brenton Cove and Newport Harbor. Lime Rock Lighthouse was the home of Ida Lewis, one of the most famous female keepers.
International Yacht Restoration School
Teaching the skills and heritage of classic yacht building. IYRS also maintains a fleet of restored watercraft. History, schedule of events, program and workshop information.
J Class Management
Charter the classic yachts Endeavour and Shamrock V.
New York Yacht Club
Harbour Court, overlooking Newport Harbour, is the NYYC's on-the-water clubhouse. Find news about the club, history, member information, regatta schedules, America's Cup updates and useful links.
Newport Yacht Club
Information about the NYC and its programs including, history, membership, race and events schedule, directory of officers, photos and links of interest.
Sightsailing Inc.
Enjoy a tour of Newport's attractions on a sailing yacht, charter a boat to celebrate a special occasion, or to entertain friends or clients.
The Museum of Yachting
Dedicated to the preservation of the traditional skills, documents, vessels and artifacts which record and describe the history and development of yachting around the world.