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Beavertail State Park
Popular for sightseeing, saltwater fishing, hiking, and naturalist programs. Includes a history of the lighthouse and park.
Fort Wetherill State Park
This former coastal defense site, once named Fort Dumpling, sits upon 100 foot high granite cliffs offering spectacular views of Newport Harbor. Description, photos and history.
Rhode Island Scuba Sites
Photos and site descriptions of four Jamestown area diving sites - Beavertail, the Dumplings and Fort Wetherill plus King's Beach in Newport.
Sea Ya! Charter Fishing
Charter fishing in Narragansett Bay, Block Island, and offshore waters for shark, tuna and other species. The 31 ft vessel leaves from Jamestown's Dutch Harbor Boat Yard.
Surfcasting Rhode Island
Guided surfcasting with outdoor writer and shore guide Joe Lyons. Outings on Conanicut Island and its environs are offered at all experience levels. Fishing articles, tips and photographs.