American Wildlands
Mission is to promote, protect and restore biodiversity and advocate for sustainable management of the West's wildlands, watersheds, and wildlife.
Citizens for Clean Air
A non-profit organization to end the practice of massive agricultural burning in Washington and Idaho during the summer months. Includes testimonials, scientific research and resources.
Ground Water Atlas of the United States: Idaho, Or
USGS online report describes regional groundwater resources.
Ice Age Floods Institute
Promotes understanding of the huge floods that burst from Glacial Lake Missoula in Montana and swept through the Columbia River drainage. Educational information, activities, bibliography, news of the proposal for a geologic trail, and other topics.
Northwest Berry and Grape Information Network
Information on fruit growing, research, and marketing in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.
Northwest Power Planning Council
Organization helping the Pacific Northwest states (Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana) balance the multiple purposes of the Columbia River Basin, specifically the electricity generated at and fish and wildlife affected by hydropower dams.
NW Energy Coalition
An alliance of organizations promoting renewable energy and conservation in the Pacific Northwest.
The Columbia Basin
Bulletin providing news and information about salmon and steelhead recovery, hydropower and other fish and wildlife news about the Columbia River, Snake River, and Northwest.
Trees of the Pacific Northwest
Information about the common conifers of the region, with an identification key.
Waterfalls of the Pacific Northwest
Database containing over 350 waterfalls in WA, OR and ID. Falls are pictured, rated and reviewed.