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Business and Economy
Construction and Maintenance, Industries, Real Estate, 3-D Technical Services, Adesa Cincinnati Dayton, Computer Service Now, Cronin Lincoln - Mercury, Desi Treats, DK Bicycles, Factory Direct Craft Supply, Franklin Area Chamber of Commerce, Kemper Automotive, MidFirst Credit Union
School Districts
Recreation and Sports
Kingdom Sports Center
Accuweather - Franklin, Ohio, The Weather Channel - Franklin, Ohio, Weather Underground: Franklin, Ohio
Close to Home - Franklin
Provides a look at the past, present, and future of the community.
Site maintained by the Chamber of Commerce offers news, business information and list of community events.
Official site provides history and information about government services, economic development and education.
Franklin Fire Department
Presents overview of the department, history, personnel, and equipment.
Franklin Division of Police
Contains vision, history and information on staff.
Franklin Local News: Topix.net
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.