Blue Ash Family Practice Inc.
Board certified primary care medicine. Provides for scheduling of appointments, requesting assistance, or learning about health issues.
Catholic Charities
Offers pregnancy, parenting, and adoption counseling and practical assistance.
Dayton Cardiology Consultants Inc.
Cardiovascular and peripheral vascular specialists, trained in diseases and disorders of the heart and peripheral vasculature.
Dayton Colon and Rectal Center Inc.
Provides both medical and surgical care for diseases of the colon and rectum.
Dixie Dooley, DPM.
Podaitry practice includes services, locations and contact information.
Miami Valley Women's Center
Located in Dayton and Huber Heights. Pregnancy and ultrasound testing, peer counsel and education, individual and group support, and maternity/baby items.
Plastic Surgery Pavilion
General information about aesthetic/cosmetic plastic surgery, and the practice of James Apesos M.D., F.A.C.S.