Doggie Daycare Center
Provides supervised care and grooming for dogs.
Doggie Daycare Center
Offers supervised daycare for dogs, pet sitting, grooming, and training.
Luv your Pet
Offers pet sitting services in your home.
Meadowpurrs Cattery
Offers both Ragdolls and Silver Persians (PKD negative) with special emphasis on health and temperament.
National K-9
Students learn the knowledge and skills required for professional dog training.
Northwest Animal Hospital
Offers behavior classes, boarding, dentistry, and surgery for pets.
Ohio State K-9 College
Offering a humaine k-9 training course that is against the use of shock or prong collars.
Safari Kennels
Offers professional dog services, including conformation training and show handling. Provides information about upcoming litters.
The Vet Clinic
A pet animal hospital providing full service veterinary care.