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Abstract Earth Gallery
Online gallery promoting original abstract artists over the Internet. Showcases artwork using 3D rotating images of sculpture.
Apple Jack Photography
Amateur photographer John Nixon provides showcase of work. Available for commission.
Columbus ArtScene
A comprehensive source for art related sites in Central Ohio.
Cow Town Art
Contemporary gallery and gift shop. List of artists and pictures of their work.
Gallery 3131
Hosts the photography of Jodi Miller. Calendar of events and information on their shows.
Gallery V
Exists to make fine art available to art lovers from the beginner to the experienced collector.
Global Gallery
A nonprofit volunteer staffed fair trade shop. Volunteer opportunities, news, FAQs, and information on the artisans.
Inner Art
A guide to arts in the Columbus area.
Lindsay Gallery
Featuring Ohio folk and outsider artists. Includes gallery and schedule of shows.
Rebecca Ibel Gallery
Exhibits paintings, photographs, sculpture, and works on paper by contemporary artists. Images of available pieces and information on the artists.
The Artists' Workshop
Studio and art gallery includes photos of paintings and schedule of classes.
The Bryan H. Roberts Gallery
Source for 19th and 20th century paintings.
The Michael Orr Gallery
Offers a large variety of all original artworks by artists in the local community. Includes calendar of events.
Thomas R. Riley Galleries
Emphasizes glass art sculptures, and three-dimensional forms in wood, metal, ceramic, fiber and gemstone.