Source of information regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act.
ARCH - Ohio Respite Programs
National resource center for respite and crisis care programs.
Autism Resources
Site offers information on social groups information, protection and advocacy organizations, educational resources, and vocation rehablitaion resources.
Bureau for Children with Medical Handicaps
Assures that children with special health care needs and their families obtain comprehensive care and services which are family-centered, community-based, and culturally sensitive.
Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired
Helps people with low vision or blindness succeed in the workforce.
Children with Disabilities
Information from the Department of Education about programs and services in school districts for children with developmental disabilities.
Disability Health Ohio
Provides information, communication and advocacy resources for persons with disabilities in Ohio.
Disability Network of Ohio
The DNOS is a statewide organization developed to promote an on-going spirit of advocacy on behalf of people with all types of disabilities.
ElderWeb: Ohio
Provides links for caregivers, providers, and advisors to the frail elderly to on-line information about health, financial, legal, housing, aging, and other eldercare issues.
Innovative Support Services Inc.
Provides services, for people who have mental retardation or other developmental disabilities, that include both supported living and waiver services in the areas of homemaker, employment and transportation.
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Organization of blind people that provide peer support for one another.
Office of Ohio Health Plans
Provides health coverage to families with low incomes, children, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind, or who have disabilities.
Ohio Amblyope Registry
Statewide program designed to serve the needs of Ohio?s children with amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye, their families and eye doctors.
Ohio Department Of Mental Retardation and Developm
An organization that attempts to ensure the availability of programs, services, and supports that assist individuals in achieving a life of increasing capability and to support the families of these individuals.
Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council
A planning and advocacy body committed to community inclusion for people with developmental disabilities.
Ohio District Civitan International
A service club with emphasis on helping individuals with developmental disabilities. Included is a newsletter, information on officers, clubs, and meetings.
Ohio Governor's Council on People with Disabi
Exists to advise the Governor and General Assembly on statewide disability issues and to promote the value of diversity, dignity and the quality of life for people with disabilities.
Ohio Industries for the Handicapped Inc.
A private nonprofit organization which provides Ohio's adult citizens with disabilities an opportunity for employment.
Ohio Legal Rights Service
An independent state agency that protects and advocates for the human, civil, and legal rights of people with disabilities.
Ohio Provider Resource Association
Represents community based residential service providers and supports Ohio's citizens with developmental disabilities.
Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission
Works in partnership with people with disabilities to assist them in achieving greater community participation through opportunities for employment and independence.
Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission
Promotes the employment of Ohioans with disabilities.
Ohio State Resources
Combines a list of state agencies and organizations that provide assistance and services for children and youth with disabilities.
Ohio Statewide Independent Living Council
Committed to promoting a philosophy of peer support, self-help, self-determination, equal access, and individual and systems advocacy.
Ohio's Special Education Regional Resource Ce
Sixteen centers that provide services to all school districts, county boards of mental retardation and developmental disabilities, and institutions in the state.
A statewide federally funded project that provides services to parents and educators of students with low incidence and severe disabilities.
Prader-Willi Syndrome Association of Ohio
A nonprofit organization that fosters awareness, supports affected persons and families and encourages research into the causes, management, and cure of the syndrome.
Public Children Services Association of Ohio
A coalition of public children services agencies that promotes child safety, family stability, and community strength.
Regional Resource Directory
An extensive list of links to nonprofit organizations and government agencies serving people with disabilities in Ohio.
Safe Harbor Project
Helps to create long term care plans and emergency plans for older informal caregivers using microboards (caregiver groups) in southeast ohio. Assists parents or caregivers over 60 years of age who provide support to disabled adults.
Promotes inclusion of people with disabilities through a state-wide conference held every two years.
The Arc Of Ohio, Inc.
Mission is to offer a future with human rights, personal dignity, and community participation, for people who have mental retardation and other developmental disabilities and their families.
YONDA of Ohio
A nonprofit group that helps patients, caregivers,and friends of people with young onset neurological diseases.