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Branch-Lane Brigade Society
Organization for descendants of men who fought in the 7th, 18th, 28th, 33rd and 37th North Carolina Troops under Brigader Generals Lawrence O. Branch and James H. Lane. Photos and membership information.
Captain Julius Welch Camp 229, SCV
Features rosters of Haywood County's Confederate Soldiers, articles about the war and contact information.
North Carolina Civil War Round Table
Non-profit organization of men and women who share an interest in the study of the Civil War and battlefield preservation.
North Carolina Civil War Tourism Council
Partnership of public and private organizations and individuals concerned with the preservation and welfare of North Carolina's Civil War era sites and museums.
North Carolina Division, United Daughters of the C
Genealogy resources, local chapters, membership, and calendar of events.
Poplar Spring Grays, SCV Camp # 1700
Camp Number 1700 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, was established in March, 1995. Meetings are held at the Country Inn in Spring Hope, NC.
Salisbury Confederate Prison Association
Dedicated to preserving the history of the prison and those who were there. Photos, membership information and goals.
Western North Carolina Civil War Round Table
Non-profit organization dedicated to the informal study of the American Civil War.