Duke-Durham Neighborhood Partnership
Works to improve life in twelve neighborhoods surrounding the university. Includes profiles and photos from each neighborhood.
Eno Commons Cohousing
Intentional community with green design shares articles on its development. Also includes member-only area.
Inter-Neighborhood Council of Durham
Updates on neighborhood issues, INC meeting schedule and minutes, sample neighborhood association by-laws, and local government links.
Lakewood Park
Map and history for Southwest Durham area that was once "the Coney Island of the South."
Lyon Park Neighborhood Association
Community news and history for traditionally African-American neighborhood in the West End.
Old North Durham Neighborhood Association
History, bylaws, calendar, and stray dog abatement advice for the city's oldest streetcar suburb.
Old West Durham Neighborhood Association
National Historic District near Duke University and Ninth Street.
The Bivins Street Community
Offers community news and information, events and photos.
Trinity Heights Neighborhood Association
Represents historic neighborhood near Duke University. History, bylaws, and messageboard.
Trinity Park Neighborhood Association
Historic homes and businesses located near Duke University providing information, history, and links.
Tuscaloosa-Lakewood Neighborhood Association
News and community activities in the Southwest Durham neighborhood bounded by James Street, Chapel Hill Road, Lakewood Avenue, and Chapel Hill Boulevard.
Watts Hospital-Hillandale Neighborhood Association
Includes virtual tour, history, news and links.
West End Neighborhood Association
Map, stories, and information on local landmarks in historically African-American neighborhood.