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American Institute of Architects - Rochester, NY C
Members are architects who are legal residents of and have been liscensed or registered by any state, the District of Columbia, or any U.S. Territory.
ASM International - Rochester Chapter
Local chapter for ASM International, a society for materials professionals. Calendar and membership information.
ASQ Rochester Section
Local affiliate of a national organization that promotes the use of quality principles, concepts, and technologies to enable continuous improvement.
Monroe County Planning and Economic Development
Consolidates and administers a range of programs focusing on the long-term development of the community in the areas of job creation, retention, land use planning, housing/community development, job training and government and community relations.
National Association of Purchasing Management-Roch
Rochester chapter of a not-for-profit association that provides national and international leadership in purchasing and supply management research and education.
Print On Demand Initiative (PODi)
Leads the evolution of the digital printing infrastructure by promoting interoperability through standards.
Rochester Better Business Bureau
Consumer Information, complaint resolution, and business reports.