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GenWeb Bronx County
Personal Pages
Bronxbabe and The 50's, CasalsK's Co-op City Page, Good Old Highbridge
Christianity, Judaism
Bronx Action for Justice and Peace
A grassroots group made up of local residents that formed in the wake of September 11 and dedicated to pursuing non-violent solutions to stop terrorism and create a more peaceful world. Includes event calendar and meeting information.
Bronx County Historical Society
Secure online ordering of Bronx Books, membership, and research. Also has newsletters, updates and archives.
Bronx Greens
Local group of the New York State Green Party. Includes a calendar of events, information about issues, and photos.
Celebrating the people and places of the Bronx
A community-oriented website serving the interests of the people of the borough.
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
A Settlement House that serves the Northwest Bronx with programs that range from early childhood to adult and senior services. Information covers programs, staff, and events.
Sea Cadets
Located in the Bronx, New York.
The Bronx Board
Message board for displaced, misplaced, and nostalgic ex-Bronxites.
The Bronx Defenders
Non-profit organization providing free legal representation to Bronx residents charged with crimes. Legal materials, criminal justice articles, and social service information are available online,as well as, access to attorneys, social workers, investigators, community developers, and support staff.
The Point
A nonprofit organization dedicated to youth development and the cultural and economic revitalization of the Hunts Point section of the South Bronx. Includes profile, calendar, news,
The Political Graveyard: Bronx County, N.Y.
Lists politicians who were buried in the Bronx. Includes pols who were born in, lived in, and died in the Bronx (but were buried elsewhere). Short biographies, places and things which were named in their honor.
University Neighborhood Housing Program
Current housing issues, a brief introduction to the organization, current projects, newsletter and contact information.