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Deep Cut Orchid Society
For growers and enthusiasts. Includes meeting schedules, membership information, photos, show results, and resource links.
Garden State Gardener
Find information about gardening in New Jersey. Includes general gardening tips, advice, projects and instruction.
Garden State Iris Society
Offers event calendars, show rules, results and schedules, membership information, and photos.
Jersey Shore Rose Society
Membership information, meeting schedules, a directory of board and committee members, and rosarian contacts.
Native Plant Society of New Jersey
Non-profit organization founded for the appreciation, protection, study of the native flora of the state. Membership information, event schedules, a newsletter, photos, and articles.
North Jersey Orchid Society
Non-profit organization. Membership information, newsletters, meeting schedules, and board member contacts.
North Jersey Rose Society
Features a list of consulting rosarians, meeting schedules, and dues information. Meetings held in Upper Montclair.
Ramapo Orchid Society
Non-profit, educational organization dedicated to growing orchids. News, membership information, photos, and meeting schedules.
RCE: N.J. Agricultural Weed Gallery
Provides common and Latin names, photographs, and descriptions of the state's problem plants.
RCE: The Master Gardeners Association of New Jerse
Contains meeting schedules and locations.
South Jersey Orchid Society
Contains show table rules, meeting schedules, and membership details.
TreeHelp.com: Red Oak
Learn about the state's official tree, Quercus rubra, including its growth habits, characteristics, and care needs.
West Jersey Rose Society
Features meeting schedules, show results, photos, articles, and resource links. Serves Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester counties.