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Ahart, Frinzi & Smith Insurance
Request quotes online for auto, home, life and health insurance in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Also offers personal umbrella, disability, and business insurance.
AHL Windshield Repair
Windshield repair service.
American Home
Full service home inspection company servicing all of New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania.
Buckley Photography, Inc.
Specializing in portraits, advertising, higher education, corporate, and studio photography. Includes portfolio, contact numbers, and customer photo pick-up facility.
Image Accents
Retailer of solid brass ornaments offered in gold, silver, nickel or rhodium-like finishes. Online ordering and inquiry forms.
Noto-Wynkoop Funeral Home
Offers funeral and cremation services. Describes their history, location, and an online tribute submission form.
Specializes in photo chemical milling and electroplating. Features service details, a company profile, and quote request forms.
Parkside Hair Salon
A hair salon with haircuts, perms and coloring.
Phillipsburg Area Chamber of Commerce
Contains a mission statement, association history, membership directory, and links.
Phillipsburg Mall
Includes a store directory, event schedule, and fashion news.
Precast Manufacturing Company
Concrete product manufacturer with a company history, employee directory, product details, and plant photos.
Stateline Ford, Inc.
New and used vehicle dealer. Includes information on new models, used vehicle warranties, location, hours of operation and events.
Whitetail Creations
Taxidermy. Provides samples of mounts and lifesize pieces, shipping details, and terms.