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Adaptable Solutions
Technical consulting and project management company. Success stories, an overview of services, and contacts.
Chimney Rock Inn
Casual American and Italian cuisine in a family-friendly atmosphere. Menus, directions, and a list of job openings.
Communications Plus 4, Inc.
Copy writing consultant offering samples and a resume.
Condor Capital Management
Investment advisor. Company profile, news, and driving directions.
Feng Shui US
Offers details of interior design consulting and training services. Class schedules, tips, and photos.
Food Spectrum
Research and consulting firm specializing in the prepared foods industry. Staff profiles and report ordering information.
Gabriel's Fountain
Ice cream parlor and restaurant. Breakfast, grill and dessert menus, party hosting information, and details of employment opportunities.
Golden Key Realty
Martinsville Realty Company
Martinsville Auto Parts
Classic Ford mustang restoration auto parts, electronic ignition conversion kits.
Martinsville Community Web Site
Community web site operated by Golden Key Realty
Martinsville Florist
Features a catalog, online ordering, and driving directions.
Martinsville Inn Caterers
Banquet facility and off-premise catering firm. Includes an overview of services and photo galleries.
Laboratory automation consultants.