english deutsch
Calvary Chapel
Beliefs, worship style, and first visit information. Offers youth programs for children, junior high, and senior high students.
Church of St. Ann
Catholic parish, providing contact information, a mission statement, worship schedules, upcoming events, and a history of the church.
Effective Parenting
Website of speakers and writers Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, providing seminar schedules and organization details, tips, and contact numbers.
Lawrence Neighborhood Service Center
Community based organization helping individuals and families move from poverty into the economic mainstream. Information on services as well as photos.
Lawrence Township Bahá'í Community
Description of the faith, an events calendar, photos, maps, news, contact information, and a list of feast days.
Lawrenceville Historical Society
Provides a history of the town, a list of trustees and members, details of the Brearley House and Port Mercer Canal House projects, and a schedule of events.
Lawrenceville Main Street
Volunteer civic organization focused on enhancing the image of Lawrenceville's historic district. Details of past and current programs, community news, newsletters, maps, and links to area businesses.
Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville
Calendar of events, prayer and sermon archives, adult education classes, church history, Sunday school schedules, and support group information.
Non-profit organization providing counseling and services to victims of domestic abuse. Contact numbers, resource links, program details, legal and educational information, and volunteering opportunities.
Young Israel of Lawrenceville
Information on the Shul's location and history, a schedule of services, photos of its Torah dedication and last Chanukah party, a memorial board, and a newsletter.