english deutsch
Ben Franklin
Elementary school featuring bulletins, calendars, staff directories, and contact details.
Eldridge Park
Calendars, news, health notices, and staff directories.
Keeping an Eye on Lawrence Schools
Public site for news and discussion about the school system.
Lawrence Intermediate
Contact information, calendars, and faculty directories.
Lawrence Middle School
News, school calendars, and faculty directories.
Lawrence Township Education Foundation
Private non-profit foundation providing information on its history and goals, grant applications, fundraising activities and volunteer opportunities.
Lawrence Township Public Schools
Information on Ben Franklin, Eldridge Park, Lawrenceville and Slackwood Elementary schools, Lawrence Intermediate, Lawrence Middle, and Lawrence High Schools.
Notre Dame High School
Catholic school featuring admissions and curriculum information, calendars, news, and a virtual tour.
Princeton Junior School
Independent coeducational school that focuses on children ages three through fifth grade. Contact details, alumni information and staff lists.
Slackwood Elementary
Faculty directories, calendars, and class pages.
The Lawrenceville School
College preparatory school offering photos of the campus, school demographics, curriculum options, a calendar of events, team schedules and scores, admissions procedures and requirements, faculty profiles, and college counseling services.
Windsor Institute of Technology
Features course schedules and descriptions, alumni news, and SAT tutoring program registration details.