english deutsch
B&E Creations
Specializes in the design of costumes for theatrical productions. Portfolios of past work are provided.
Chambers Walk
Off-premises catering company offering menus and details of wedding, party, and corporate package plans.
Lenox Inc.
Manufacturer of fine china, porcelain and glass, offering a company history, product galleries, store locators, a FAQ, entertainment and gift giving tips, replacements for discontinued lines, and ordering information.
Mrs G TV and Appliances
Links to product photos and information, business hours, directions, designer showroom photos and a virtual tour of the store.
Scientific Sales
Weather monitoring stations, instruments, and accessories. Product, ordering, and contact information.
Stony Brook Sew and Vacuums
Sewing and vacuum machine sales, service and repairs. Provides contact information, business hours and special printable coupons.