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Family Service
Offerings include professional counseling, children's emergency in-home services, juvenile crime prevention, child care providers, community education, domestic abuse programs, neighborhood and senior services.
Fight Censorship In Omaha
Advocacy web site discussing censorship and a call to action in Omaha.
Girls and Boys Town
Contains admission and training information, book store, gift shop, and the ability to donate online.
Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska, Inc.
Several locations in the area. From pregnancy counseling and adoption programs to workplace stress management seminars, find information on a variety of services.
Reach Out and Read Midlands
Volunteer organization promoting early childhood literacy. Program offers volunteer opportunities reading aloud to children.
Ronald McDonald House
The Ronald McDonald House in Omaha, NE is a House That Love Built.
Salvation Army Omaha
Provides services for families, the homeless, seniors, disasters, and adult rehabilitation. View current events, news, donation information, annual reports and other information.
Siena Francis House
Local shelter for men and women. Also provides job training, medical services, food, and clothing.
The Kim Foundation
Provides support to charitable organizations in the area that assist individuals with mental health difficulties.
United Way of the Midlands Home Page
Provides human service programs.
Youth Emergency Services
Provides shelter, programs, and advocacy to educate and promote personal and family development, specifically at-risk youths.