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Andrea Porter, LMT
Licensed massage therapist providing massage therapy for stress management and pain relief. Also offering heated stone massage, chair massage, and beginning Yoga instruction.
Beyond The Body
Massage and alternative healing center specializing in the treatment of chronic pain.
Body in Motion Chiropractic Clinic
View technology used in this practice, a spine chart, monthly specials, payment options, insurance coverage and general chiropractic information.
Mary Marshall
Contact and service details for this massage therapist.
Michael Hearn
Contact information for this massage therapist (outcalls only).
Natural Health Center
View Doctor Shawn Schmidt's credentials, articles, services, clinic policies, newsletters and links to related sources.
Serenity Station
Provides stress relief, wellness and health products and services from the best providers in the metro area. Purchase online, then make an apppointment with the provider.
The Healing Connection
Deals with chronic and acute pain, structural and emotional balance using therapeutic massage, ortho-bionomy, energy work techniques. View articles, online specials, gift certificates and service information.