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Alexander & Associates PC
Personal injury law firm offering services for matters including defective products, dangerous premises, and medical and pharmaceutical negligence.
Allen & Associates
Full service investigative agency serving the Midwest. Licensed, bonded and insured, free initial consultation.
Baird Holm
Attorneys handling health care, labor relations, real estate, and intellectual property cases.
Berens and Tate
Representing management in all aspects of labor relations, employment litigation and strategic planning.
Berkshire & Blunk
Law firm representing companies of all sizes and types, as well as individuals from all walks of life.
Bowie Law
W. Russell Bowie offers a broad range of legal services to businesses and individuals.
Brodkey, Cuddigan, Peebles & Belmont, LLP
Offering a range of legal services to businesses and individuals.
Cline, Williams, Wright, Johnson and Oldfather
Founded by Nebraska's first practicing lawyer, in 1880. Offices in Lincoln and Omaha.
Erickson & Sederstrom
Legal representation of individuals, businesses, health care institutions and governmental subdivisions.
Gallup & Schaefer
Broad based legal practice with particular emphasis on litigation.
Harris Feldman Law Offices
Personal injury law firm.
Hauptman, O'Brien, Wolf & Lathrop, P.C.
Law firm with multiple areas of practice including personal injury litigation, malpractice and product liability.
Johnson?Thompson LLP
Omaha law firm serving Native American governments and communities.
Knickrehm Law Offices
Personal injury, wrongful death, litigation and appeals, business and commercial law, real estate, and transportation law.
Koley Jessen P.C. - Attorneys At Law
A regional practice offering legal services to both individuals and businesses. View information about the firm, the invidual attorneys, client resources and newsletter archives.
Kutak Rock
This national firm, which was founded in Omaha, serves local, regional and national clients in a broad practice in corporate law, public and corporate finance and litigation.
McGill, Gotsdiner, Workman & Lepp, P.C., L.L.O
Law firm focusing on business and commercial law, employment law, banking and finance, litigation and appeals, healthcare, and estate planning.
Patricia Geringer
Offering representation for family law, bankruptcy, contract law, and real estate.
Petersen Law Offices, PC
Firm focuses on defending drinking under the influence (DUI) cases. Page includes due process and jail assistance information.
Pollak & Hicks, P.C.
Bankruptcy lawyers specializing in chapter 7, 11, 13, repossession, liquidation, debt consolidation, debt relief, foreclosure, wage garnishment and insolvency cases.
Raynor, Rensch and Pfeiffer
Law firm handling personal injury, malpractice and family law. Includes list of attorneys and FAQ's page.
Ronald J. Palagi P.C.
Personal injury law firm with offices in Omaha.
Runge & Chase
A general practice law firm.
Terrence J. Salerno
Focuses exclusively on serious injury and wrongful death claims.
The Forget Firm
Tax attorney specializing in IRS disputes and negotiations, appeals, IRS liens and levies.
Thibault, Suhr & Thibault, Inc.
Court reporters and litigation experts.
Whitmore Law Office
Provides services in the areas of estate planning, probate, real estate, and general business matters.