Benkelman Businesses
Directory of local businesses. Most entries include descriptions and photos, in addition to addresses and phone numbers.
Benkelman Local News:
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
Dundy County Hospital
Medical facility serving southwest Nebraska as well as parts of Colorado and Kansas. Includes descriptions of services and facilities available, a list of job openings, and a list of health classes offered to the public.
Harold Knoles Inc
New and used vehicle dealer. Includes information on new models, used vehicle warranties, location, hours of operation and events.
Preston's Computer Service
Computer manufacturer also offering service and repair. Includes company and product information, services which include web page design and support, Jason's Tips, computer tools, links to fun stuff and Benkelman information.
The Official Benkelman Web Page
Includes information about this small, southwest Nebraska town, such as links for upcoming events, local businesses, Chamber of Commerce, history and photos.