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Counter Solutions
Custom countertop manufacturers specializing in both residential and commercial surfaces.
David Regan Tile
Handmade Tiles. We believe in the old world tradition of making your home into a work of art.
Edgell Homes & Development, Inc.
Custom home builders offering planning and design, project management, and community development. Also offers commercial contracting.
Gordon Prill, Inc.
Engineering design services including mechanical, electrical, and plumbing. Includes service description, project samples, and organizational chart.
Hoyt Homes
A custom home builder specializing in residential construction. Includes design portfolio.
Langan Custom Homes Corporation
Luxury and moderate home builders, also specializing in light commercial and multi-family complexes.
Lippert Architecture
Specializing in log and log-integrated structures, and architectural art glass.
Missoula Concrete Construction
Provide precast concrete construction solutions for the Northern Rockies.
Montana Faux
Portfolio of faux finishings and murals.
Mountain Supply
A Montana plumbing wholesale/retail company.
Poteet Construction, Inc.
Provides asphalt milling and recycling services throughout the Western United States. Also offers traffic control and culvert installation.