english deutsch
Berachah Baptist Church
A Baptist Missionary Association affiliated church located in Vicksburg. Sites provides doctrine, worship links, information about events and missions, staff, and sermon transcripts.
Bowmar Baptist Church
Staff directory, schedule of services, events calendar, church history, statement of faith, and overview of programs and ministries.
Catholic Churches in Vicksburg, Mississippi
Contact information, Mass schedules for St. Mary, St. Michael, and St. Paul.
First Church of the Nazarene
Includes contact information, service schedule, pastor introduction, and event calendar.
Reach Out
Reunion home page for Reachout singing group of Hawkins United Methodist Church. Member's directory, photos, and message board.
Southside Baptist Church
Southern Baptist. Includes worship schedule, mission statement, events calendar, pastor's corner, ministries overview, plan of salvation, prayer requests, and contact and location information.
Yokena Presbyterian Church
Includes worship information, a photo gallery, youth pages, and the weekly bulletin.