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College Democrats, Young Democrats, A Political Life, DFL Education Foundation, DFL Feminist Caucus, DFLers, DFLers, Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, Minnesotans for a Democratic Majority, MN Lefty Liberal, Sixth Congressional District DFL, Stonewall DFL
Campus Greens of Minnesota, Green Party of Minnesota, Southwest Minnesota State University Campus Greens
Libertarian Party of Minnesota, University of Minnesota Libertarian Student Group
College Republicans, Young Republicans, Minnesota House Republican Caucus, Minnesota Republican Watch, Minnesota Republican Watch, MN-LogCabin, Republican Party of Minnesota, Republicans of the Eighth Congressional District o
Communist Party USA, Central and Southern Minnesot
A Marxist-Leninist working-class party that unites black, brown and white, men and women, youth and seniors. A Party that speaks out from a working-class point of view on every vital issue.
Constitution Party of Minnesota
Pro-life, ultra-conservative party. Formerly the Minnesota Taxpayers Party.
Independence Party of Minnesota
Runs candidates for local and state office and for Congress and has a centrist political orientation. Formerly the Reform Party of Minnesota but now disaffiliated from the US Reform Party.
New Independence Party
Caucus within the Independence Party of Minnesota. Based on William McGaughey's 2002 candidacy for U.S. Senate. Proposes a third party which supports shorter work hours and opposes political correctness.
The New Union Party
A Marxist organization following the writings of the late 19th century socialist theoretician Daniel DeLeon.