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School Districts, Mountain Iron-Buhl High School
AccuWeather: Mountain Iron, MN
5-day weather forecast, wind chill or heat index, National Weather Service forecast for the surrounding area.
Cowboy's Ranch
Michael Russell is building a horse ranch. He also does web design.
Messiah Lutheran Church
ELCA congregation. Offers Sunday school program.
Mountain Iron Area Map
Shows where Mountain Iron is in relation to Virginia, Chisholm, Hibbing.
Mountain Iron City Map
Closeup view of (most of) the city of Mountain Iron. Interactive street map.
Mountain Iron Local News: Topix.net
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
Mountain Iron Mine
Panoramic photograph, copyrighted in 1902, with mine railroad in foreground.
Royal Hardcore Wrestling
"Backyard wrestling" group for ages 14 and up. They wrestle on a trampoline. Videos available.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Contact information, Mass schedule.
Spring Creek
Designs and manufactures canoe and kayak accessories. Yokes, rowing systems, stabilizer floats, wheels, seats, sail kits.
Weather Underground: Mountain Iron, Minnesota, For
Active advisories, if any. Current conditions, forecast, local radar and satellite.