Business and Economy
Real Estate, Adkin Blue Ribbon Co., Bearclaw Coffee Company, BEI, Inc., Do-It Corporation, Don Woodhams Inc., Sherman Dairy, Tello's Trattoria and Cabaret, The Barfield Group, The Blueberry Store, Walt Sicard
Travel and Tourism
Lodging, By the Big Blue Water, South Haven/Van Buren County Lakeshore Convention
Greater South Haven Area Chamber of Commerce
Provides community and area information and links.
Our Town Players-South Haven Area Community Theatr
Calender of productions, membership information, promotional information on productions, production photos, history and theatre description.
South Haven Local News:
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
South Haven, Michigan
Travel, recreation, lodging information, history and guide for South Haven, Michigan